Friday, December 01, 2006

per your request

blog blog blog

There I blogged.

Hahaha! Now I have to go to work at 2:30 in the afternoon. Why do you ask? Well, they closed the lab last night, and there is too much poop for one person to handle. I gotta go clean up the shit. I'll be elbow deep in poo when I should be happily asleep. Grrr. What a phone call to get in the middle of a massage. "Hey, we really need you at work; and yes, you'll have to come back for the night shift, too." Ilovemyjobilovemyjobilovemyjob.... (repeat until belief) Completely ruined the benefits of the massage. Now I'm all tense again. DRAT!

1 comment:

Andrew said...

virtual poop on this end. not fun either.